Hosseini Legal Fights for California Employees
Hosseini Legal fights to protect California’s employees from being denied, demoted, or terminated for requesting or taking a leave of absence!
What Types of Leaves are Protected?
California, with some of the nation’s strongest leave laws, allow employees to take a leave of absence for certain protected events. California and federal leave laws offer job protection for up to 12 weeks for covered events.
Employees in California may be entitled to many types of leaves of absence, including:
Family and medical leave
Maternity leave
New parent leave
Bereavement leave
Sick leave
Voting leave
Domestic violence victim leave
Drug and alcohol rehab leave
Jury duty
After a leave of absence, California employees must be permitted to return to their job or a substantially similar position. California prohibits an employer to retaliate against an employee for taking a leave of absence that the employee was lawfully entitled to take.
If an employer refused to allow an employee to take a leave of absence, interfered or discouraged them from doing so, demoted upon returning, or terminated an employee for taking the leave of absence, call Hosseini Legal today. If this happened to you, you may be able to obtain monetary compensation!
California Workplace Leave Laws
California Family Rights Act (CFRA)
CFRA provides eligible employees up 12 weeks of unpaid leave for their own health condition, a family member’s serious health condition, or to bond with a new child.
CRFA covers employers with 5 or more employees. It also provides protected leave for an employee to care for a covered family member, including children, parents, spouses (married or registered domestic partners), siblings, grandparents, and grandchildren.
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
FMLA is federal law. It also provides eligible employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for their own health condition, to care for a close family member’s serious health condition, or to bond with a new child.
Unlike CFRA, to qualify for FMLA, the employer must have 50 or more employees within a 75 mile radius.
You Can’t Afford Not to Have an Attorney
Hosseini Legal works on a contingency basis. This means that Hosseini Legal does not collect any money up front and only receives fees when we have successfully obtained compensation for a violation of your right to take a leave of absence.
Contact us for a free case evaluation!
Hosseini Legal offers a free consultation for employees to discuss their situation directly with attorney Kaveh Hosseini. Mr. Hosseini takes the time to personally speak with employees and thoroughly investigate their claims.
Take advantage of the opportunity to speak with an experienced employment lawyer who will stand up for your rights!